Time to revive this blog

It is 2024, and almost 8 years since the last activity on this blog. Think it is time to revive it?

Meanwhile, in these 8 years I have been busy with my full time job/s, where I did blog a bunch of times on what I was upto on Medium.

On the sidelines, I also hacked away on a couple of projects, most notably an IoT platform.

Not to mention, I also worked on my own startup called SuperStack full time for some time, launched a remote configuration platform called Controllable. Unfortunately that did not work out, but it did teach me some essential life lessons.

Also did I mention, I moved to Bengaluru from Mumbai 8 years back and built a whole different life here on the personal front (so far)

So why pay attention to this blog now? Well, while I am again back to a full time job now since last year, I still got the itch to hack away on a couple of interesting ideas on the side.

One of them is around a PaaS (an area of interest I have never been able to give up on) which would provide a dead simple k8s alternative to manage and run apps and services anywhere from the cloud to on premise to the edge. Basically imagine bringing your own hardware and building your own AWS using this platform. I have christened it silicate.

The other is a SaaS to build streamlined and automated workflows for businesses. I have christened it teamlets.

Now I have spent the last week hacking away on these and one of them is very close to release. Over the next few posts, I hope to talk a bit more about these two. There are also a couple of secondary ideas in mind which are extensions of the above two, but we will talk about those later.